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What Can You Do With a Data Science Degree?

In today's fast-paced and ever-changing world, data rules supreme. 全球成功的企业集团都使用数据来制定决策和战略——他们需要精通数据的专业人士来解读数据所讲述的故事. 如果你曾经觉得你的社交动态中的广告比你快两步——答案不是读心术, 这是数据科学. 

数据科学作为一个领域正在呈指数级增长,每年创造更多的就业机会. 对数据专家的需求空前高涨,所以你还在等什么呢? If you're interested in a career that combines technology, 分析与创新, then data science might be your calling.

What is Data Science—And Why is it Important?

Data science is not just about interpreting data; it's about turning raw data into actionable insights. It involves the process of collecting, 清洁, 分析和解释大量数据以做出明智的决定. 简而言之,数据专家是现代的炼金术士,将原始数据转化为企业的黄金.

Global companies such as Amazon, Netflix和美国运通(American Express)不断利用数据科学来获得竞争优势. 他们利用大数据的力量在各自的市场中脱颖而出,并在很大程度上依赖数据团队和领导者来发现洞察力并做出数据驱动的决策,从而有助于他们的持续成功.

For example, consider Amazon. The e-commerce giant uses data science to recommend products, optimize its supply chain and forecast demand for certain items. If you buy a coffee maker on Amazon, the site is instantly going to recommend things like filters, 咖啡粉和马克杯. 类似的, Netflix使用数据科学来推荐你可能喜欢的电影和电视节目, keeping you engaged and subscribed. 如果大家都知道你喜欢恐怖片,网飞公司会继续推荐这类电影. The more content you discover and consume, the more Netflix succeeds. 

Dr. Nimet Alpay博士.D.M .的项目主席.S. in Data Analytics at 十大正规赌博平台大全排行, 将数据描述为“商业决策的燃料”,并假设“数据和分析几乎被用于每个领域”.“无数专业人士都认为,在当今的商业环境中,成功需要具备以下能力 认为data-analytically.



What can you do with a Data Science Degree?

A data science degree is a gateway to a world of opportunities. With the data-driven landscape continuing to expand, 现在是走上这条激动人心、回报丰厚的职业道路的最佳时机. Whether you're interested in Big Data, 预测分析, machine learning or data engineering, 数据科学学位为你提供了在快速发展的就业市场中茁壮成长的技能.

获得数据科学学位可以帮助你磨练以数据为中心的职业所需的技能, including data visualization, Big Data systems and processes, and help you gain familiarity with data analysis tools, 比如Python和R.

数据科学学位还可以帮助你打开通往无数工作机会的大门,并使你能够驾驭世界数据驱动的格局. 这是一个充满机遇和增长潜力的领域.

增长了多少?? In the past five years over 2.5 million job postings were created for data science professionals, 根据Lightcast, a leading labor analytics firm. 美国.S. 劳工统计局, 与此同时, estimates that a career in data science can yield a median salary of $103,500.

工作 & Career Opportunities for Data Science Majors

Career opportunities in data science are diverse, 在这个领域有各种各样的探索途径,没有显示出放缓的迹象. 

According to the 劳工统计局, data science roles are projected to grow 136% in the next 10 years, which is above average for other fields. Specific jobs in the data science field— financial analysts, computer and information research scientists, 数据库管理员, 精算师和数据科学家——据Lightcast预计将增长42%. This demand reflects the increasing significance of data in our lives.

As you explore the data-science job market, you'll encounter a wide array of roles, including but not limited to:

  • 金融分析师 指导企业和个人在投资赚钱方面的决策——这些专业人士平均收入为96美元,220 per year and are projected to grow 8% in the next 10 years, which is faster than average.
  • 数据科学家 使用分析工具和技术从数据中提取有意义的见解,赚取约103美元,每年000. The job outlook shows an estimated 35% job growth from 2022 to 2032.
  • Database administrators and architects 创建或组织存储和保护数据的系统,收入超过112美元,1万美元一年, with the job outlook showing an 8% growth rate in the next decade.
  • 精算师 使用统计数据, 用数学和金融理论分析经济成本的风险和不确定性. 精算师的年薪为113,990美元,预计到2032年将增长23%.
  • Computer and information research scientists design innovative uses for new and existing computing technology, earning an average income of $136,620 annually with an estimated job growth rate of 23% by 2032. 

这些只是数据科学学位提供的大量职业道路的几个例子. The beauty of data science lies in its versatility.

Your Path Forward: Explore 十大正规赌博平台大全排行’s B.S. in Analytics-Applied Data Science

十大正规赌博平台大全排行这个以数据为中心的世界里,数据科学家和那些理解数据的人扮演着至关重要的角色. 攻读数据科学学位拓宽了你在全球范围内的视野,并提供了跨越许多行业的多种机会, 教给你在不断变化的就业市场中脱颖而出所需的技能. 十大正规赌博平台大全排行B级.S. in Analytics-Applied Data Science program emerges as a pathway to success.

获得数据科学学位使您能够将分析应用于现实世界的问题, 开发, 管理和优化数据系统,熟练使用SQL等必不可少的工具, Python, R和Tableau. 在十大正规赌博平台大全排行的支持下,通过100%的在线课程和专业的教师, 你们有能力面对数据驱动的世界的挑战和前景, securing a promising future in this ever-expanding field.

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